Ayurveda Tips

Regimen of Personal: Daily routine (Dinacharya)

Wake up early at least 1 hour before sun rise. Attending nature’s call (Malotsarg) – bowels, urination etc. Never suppress nor forcefully void the natural urges – Vegavidharan (suppression) can lead to many diseases. For defecation one should always use toilets and it should not be done…

Ayurvedic Tips For Healthy Digestion

The majority of Americans suffer from occasional digestion problems: gas, bloating, stomach discomfort, constipation, heartburn, and fatigue after eating. When we sit down to eat and our stomach is in a relaxed posture and our awareness is on the taste, texture, and smell of the food, it…

The Six Tastes In Ayurveda

From these elementary beginnings, the experience of taste initiates a complex cascade of influences that touches every aspect of the mind-body organism. For each substance, that mosaic includes its: Rasa, or taste (a single taste or a combination of different tastes) Aggravating or pacifying effect on each…