Author Archives: Dana

Cellulite Detox – How a Cleanse May Help Cellulite

You may have heard about doing a cleanse to help with weight loss and overall health. A cleanse is reputed to remove toxins from your body, which is why a cleanse is sometimes called a “detox” or a “detoxification cleanse.” Many cleanses involve herbs, juices, and/or supplements that can aid in the process. Advocates of…

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How to Avoid Cellulite

It’s said that taking preventative measures before cellulite has a chance to form can help prevent its formation. Even if cellulite is already a fact of life for you, prevention tips can help stop more cellulite from forming and may even reduce the appearance of existing cellulite. Here are some suggestions and ideas. Regular Exercise…

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What Is Cellulite?

When you look at your legs, you might feel frustrated about the lumpy, bumpy appearance lying beneath your skin – but what is cellulite? Cellulite is actually just a pattern of fat deposits under the skin. Because fat is deposited unevenly in some area, it gives a lumpy appearance. While some people never have any…

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Choosing the Cellulite Treatment That’s Best for You

Are you looking to rid yourself of cellulite, or reduce its appearance? If so, you might be overwhelmed by the treatments available out there. What works? What can you afford? Does exercise help? Following is an evaluative list of some cellulite treatment options to help you choose what’s right for you. Exercise There are exercises…

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Exercises to Help Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is one of those unsightly conditions that many people don’t know how to address. Regular exercise does not always help; even though you may lose weight and tone some areas, the cellulite-ridden places may stubbornly refuse to smooth out. Specific exercises, though, may help reduce cellulite’s appearance, especially in combination with a healthy diet.…

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Cellulite Therapy

If you’re plagued by unsightly cellulite, you’ll be interested in cellulite therapy options. Each has its pros and cons. It’s important to educate yourself about the types of therapies available to you. The least expensive way to get rid of cellulite with the fewest side effects is to change your lifestyle. While cellulite can be…

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Understanding Cellulite

A great many people have cellulite – some sources say that it occurs in 90 percent of women. That’s a lot of lumps! What is cellulite, anyway? Does it mean you’re unhealthy? Can you get it if you’re not overweight? Cellulite was not always considered unattractive. In days past, lumpy skin on the buttocks and…

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Is Cellulite a Sign of Poor Health?

Many people look in the mirror and see cellulite, and assume that means they are overweight and out of shape. But this is not necessarily true. While cellulite can be unsightly, and healthy measures such as diet and exercise can help, cellulite is not necessarily a sign that your health is poor. The cause of…

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How to Make Homemade Cellulite Cream

Have you looked into using cellulite creams and lotions? You may have been put off by the cost, or maybe you aren’t comfortable with the ingredients used. You can actually make your own cellulite-fighting creams at home for much less money using healthy ingredients. Here are some recipes to try. Essential Oil Cellulite Cream This…

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Cream for Cellulite

If you have the condition, you’ve probably been interested in treatments such as cream for cellulite. Creams are some of the simplest treatments for cellulite and when they work well they can restore your confidence. Many women who have cellulite feel ashamed of this part of their body. You may find it hard to find…

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