Category Archives: Feng Shui Tips

Simple Feng Shui Tips for the Home

Part of an ancient Chinese art and science, feng shui is basically concerned with the harmonious relationship between man and his environment. It is based on a Taoist idea that nature is alive and has energy in different forms. Many modern aficionados assert that feng shui is the practice of arranging objects, such as in…

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The Wonderful Colors of Feng Shui

Colors affect people in different ways. By using the right colors, you can strengthen the elements of Feng Shui. These wonderful colors are divided into cool which is Yin and warm which is Yang. There must a balance at all times because everything possesses these two components. Aside from Yin colors being cool, it also…

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The Golden Ratio and Feng Shui

Since Feng Shui deals with balance, it is not far off to discuss the matters about the Golden Ratio. The Golden ratio is one of the precepts that govern Feng Shui. This ratio is numerically described as 1.62. The Fibonacci numbers that we know today are also directly linked to the Golden Ratio. When you…

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Useful Feng Shui Tips For Bed Room

The best Feng Shui bed room tip that a Feng Shui expert can offer you is to have your bed in ‘command position’. But before you know what is a command position for your bed it is important for you to understand what is Feng Shui. It is important for you to know Feng Shui…

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Feng Shui Tips For Everyone

Feng Shui is a process that affects your internal landscape just as much as it affects your physical environment. In order for your spirit to be nourished by the enhancements you make to your home, you must start the entire process by looking inward, and this is an important Feng Shui tip that most Feng…

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