Feng Shui in the Office

Feng Shui Secrets That Will Change Your Life

Offices are where we make a lot of decisions. It’s where the energy can be fast paced, which if we’re not careful, can lead us to feeling worn out and frazzled. Feng Shui can help bring order and peace to this area of your life.

It doesn’t matter if your office is at home or in a separate place. It doesn’t matter if it’s a spacious room or if it’s just a cubicle – you can still use Feng Shui and reap the benefits found in this philosophy.

Outside the place where we sleep, the second place we tend to be most is the place where we work. It’s imperative that this space be relaxing and balanced. Whether your office is located outside the home or within the home, you need to be sure to follow the guidelines of Feng Shui to create the beauty you need.

First, you should not have any clutter. Clutter creates a negative energy. Put away any papers cluttering your desk, file away folders and don’t allow the room to get messy with an overflowing to-do basket.

The furniture in your office should reflect harmony and allow energy to move positively. Items with sharp edges should be removed. Your desk should not have sharp edges either, because sharp edges can cause the energy in the room to change the path it’s on.

Instead, choose a desk that’s curved so that the energy moves slowly and steadily. You need a spacious desk so that you don’t get a boxed in feeling, which will create a sense of impatience and irritability.

You also don’t want to place your desk in a position so that your view is a wall. Don’t situate the desk so that the door is behind you. You don’t want the energy flowing into the room to flow directly toward your desk.

Keep office machines (such as the printer and fax machine) at a distance from your desk. When they’re placed by a desk, they create a negative energy. Bring plants into the office to promote a sense of growth.

For the home office, if you have this space carved out of a living area or a bedroom, you need to use a divider that uses Feng Shui colors to divide this space. This division helps the energy focus to be on work, while dividing the energy focus from the space where you live. Use the colors that signify achievement in career related tasks. Bring this color in with accents if you can’t paint the walls.

Core Feng Shui