Category Archives: Social Dance

The Wedding Dance

Around the globe couples celebrate their unions with a wedding dance of some sort. Most religions, with the exception of those who still frown upon dancing, have some sort of wedding dance that is a part of this joyous event or the celebration of this event. This is much more than a simple dance. It…

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Learning The Ballroom Dance

If you are looking for a night out or you just want to meet new friends, ballroom dancing is a fantastic way to achieve this it doesn’t how old or young you are. The experts acknowledge that ballroom dancing is unique in that it provides both brain stimulation and physical exercise. Ballroom dancing is fun,…

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Learn To Dance The Salsa

The word “salsa” in Spanish means sauce. Salsa dancing is also known as slot dancing because couples don’t move around a large area of the dance floor; instead they stay in a more fixed or smaller area of the floor. So are you ready to learn Salsa dancing? The salsa has an eight beat pattern…

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Learn How to Line Dance

There is a style of dancing that is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds. While you are far more likely to see a line dancing contest at Gilley’s than on ESPN or any other sporting event network, it doesn’t make it any less valid as a dance or even as method of bringing fitness…

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Belly Dance Basics

Oriental Dance, also known as belly dancing is one of, if not the most sensual styles of dance. It is also one of the most beneficial forms of dance there is healthwise. In addition to the great calorie burning affect of belly dancing there are other health benefits that this form of dance has become…

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All About Jazz Dance

The Art of Jazz dance is an amalgamation of different styles of dance that began between 1800’s, and the middle of the 1900’s rooted in African American movement. One man known for this type of dance was the star of vaudeville Joe Frisco around 1910 who danced in a unrestrained fashion in close vicinity to…

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