Category Archives: Term Life Insurance

Cheap Term Life Insurance

Should you buy cheap term life insurance? It’s an often-asked question to which there is a cheap and simple answer. If you have a mortgage or you have a partner, family or dependents that could suffer financial hardship as a result of your death then cheap term life insurance is a must! Cheap term life…

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How Long Should Your Term Life Insurance Last?

Term life insurance is the most common type of life insurance – it’s fairly easy to obtain and inexpensive. Over 150 companies in the UK offer some type of term life insurance, making it important to shop around and compare products. Term life insurance is inexpensive as many policyholders will probably outlive the term of…

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What is Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is basically a “no frills” type of life insurance. It is a life insurance for a specified duration limit, or time. You buy a specific amount of coverage for a specific time period by signing a contract. You pay for that coverage period and at the end of the term the policy…

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