Symptoms and Treatments of Impetigo

How to Cure Impetigo

Impetigo is a highly contagious disease that usually affects children, hence known as school sores. However, it can affect adults too. Impetigo is a bacteria of the skin causing red sores on its victims. There are different types of Impetigo therefore the symptoms vary as well.

Despite differences in types of Impetigo, they all share some common symptoms. Such symptoms include:

1) Red sores – red sores appear on the skin. These sores can build up and eventually rupture causing the disease to leak out of the infected area. As the skin tries to heal, a yellowy crust forms on and around the sore. This in turns can cause great irritation and itchiness which makes the disease even more contagious to others or other parts of the victim’s skin.

2) The most common type of Impetigo is non-bullous Impetigo. Usually found around the nose or mouth, this type of Impetigo starts out as small red sores which eventually build up fluid or pus and rupture. As the sore begins to try out and form a crust-like surface, it eventually fades leaving a red mark in its place. While Impetigo rarely leaves scars, the sores can become very itchy.

3) Another type of Impetigo symptom is the bullous version, often found in toddlers aged 2 years old or younger. The sores are painless but do form as blisters which can be found on arms, legs, and upper body.

4) The most serious of the types of Impetigo would have to be Ecthyma because the pus-filled blisters can be very painful. After rupturing, these sores can lead to deep ulcerations. This form of Impetigo is more commonly found in the lower half of the body such as legs and feet.

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