What is a PokéStop

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A PokéStop is a place shown on the local area map where players can visit to stock up on essentials, such as Poké Balls, Potions, Razz Berries, and Pokémon Eggs. Usually such locations are significant landmarks like monuments, churches, town halls, pizzerias, coffee shops, pubs, etc. Visiting a PokéStop also awards the player with 50 Experience Points (XP).

Items and XP can only be collected from an individual PokéStop once about every 5 minutes. A trainer can also place a Lure Module at the PokéStop to gather wild Pokémon for 30 minutes, which by extension attracts other trainers.

The beauty of the PokéStop to your business is that you can purchase Lure Modules if your business is a PokéStop. This makes your shop attractive for players looking for Pokémon.

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